Connect Groups

What are Connect Groups?

Connect Groups are our midweek expression of church and enable the church's mission to help us become whole life disciples. Connect Groups are:

  • where gifts are encouraged and developed

  • places to focus on God

  • where prayer is central to our lives

  • where we grow in community together

In our Connect Groups, we worship, study the Bible, pray together and encourage one another to deepen our experience and understanding of God. Connect Groups are about community. They are places where we can connect with other people more deeply, where we can find friendship, support and pastoral care. They are welcoming places, open to both friends and strangers. They are places where we can discover together who we are called to be.

Connect Groups are always looking outwards, beyond themselves and towards the community and the world. They’re a wonderful opportunity to serve others, beyond the walls of the church, to reach out to the world with the transforming love of Jesus.

Church Centre App

To find a Connect Group you can also go to the Church Center app, available to download on iOS and Android.

If you have any more questions about what Connect Groups are please get in touch with Libby Talbot. If you have questions about when and where specific groups meet, you can email them directly via the Find a Connect Group page.